This is the first time for me i think, to present or just write something in english version in my personal blog. It was about 4-5 months i have leaved my english (laughingly) since i was in IIUM (International Islamic University Malaysia).
It's quite difficult to be better in english whether in writting or speaking which i took around 2-3 month spending my time for it in IIUM before continuing my studies in Al-Azhar University, Cairo. Maybe any visitors who are realised my false in my writting can recorrect it in the "comments" area. Writting in my blog may help to improve in my english as well.
(The Nil) Tahrir, Cairo City...
It is so cool outside my 'imarah'. the tempreture in the city of Cairo now approximately under 15 degrees. Oh ALLAH... i'm very scared to go outside or visiting my friends at Johor student hostel in 'Haiyu Thamin', but not to visit the 'rumah belakang' (Saman, Sakini and Harun). We (with Ust Ghani) are just leaving from there, tasted some Sakini's handmade chocolate cake. Quite delicious...
In Zahra' (Medina Nasr) is more cooler than 'Haiyu Thamin' because of the situation. Zahra' is the second last section before 'Kaherah Jadidah' which is at the bottom of Medina Nasr. It is quite far from Darasah, the place which is situated Al-Azhar University for Religious Studies Department and beside it is the most classical and historical mosque, 'Al-Azhar Mosque' which is about more than 1000 years.
Oh, the Muazzin was calling. I have to go to Friday Congregational Prayer (Solah Jumu'ah) at Zahra' mosque. ALLAHUAKBAR...
syabas atas penulisan di dalam bahasa inggeris...bak mai nak tengok azhari mengarang dalam bahasa arab, cuba buktikan kepada masyarakat bahawa azhariyyun tidak lemah dalam bahasa Arab sepertimana yang pernah tertera di muka akhbar tempatan suatu hari dulu. berbanding dengan pelajar malaysia di Jordan, Sudan, Saudi, Syria etc. pengusaan bahasa Arab mereka mengagumkan.
waaah, mantap.. berbahasa inggeris..sori la lambat bagi komen.. dah berapa thn dah post ni..heheh..
nak suh aku betulkan x?? =p
This is the first time for me i think, to present or just write something in english version in my personal blog. It was about 4-5 months i have leaved [since i left~manede past tense leave 'leaved'] my english (laughingly) since i was in IIUM (International Islamic University Malaysia).
It's quite difficult to be better in english whether in writting [writing] or speaking which i took around 2-3 month spending my time for it in IIUM before continuing my studies in Al-Azhar University, Cairo. Maybe any visitors who are realised [who realize] my false [false=adjective, falseness=noun] in my writting can recorrect it in the "comments" area. Writting [writing] in my blog may help to improve in my english as well.
(The Nil) Tahrir, Cairo City...
It is so cool outside my 'imarah'. the tempreture [temperature] in the city of Cairo [is] now approximately under 15 degrees. Oh ALLAH... i'm very scared to go outside or visiting my friends at Johor student hostel in 'Haiyu Thamin', but not to visit the 'rumah belakang' (Saman, Sakini and Harun). We (with Ust Ghani) are [were] just leaving from there, tasted some Sakini's handmade chocolate cake. Quite delicious...
In Zahra' (Medina Nasr) is more cooler [xde more] than 'Haiyu Thamin' because of the situation. Zahra' is the second last section before 'Kaherah Jadidah' which is at the bottom of Medina Nasr. It is quite far from Darasah, the place which is situated [near from] Al-Azhar University for Religious Studies Department and beside it is the most classical and historical mosque, 'Al-Azhar Mosque' which is about more than 1000 years.
Oh, the Muazzin was [is] calling. I have to go to Friday Congregational Prayer (Solah Jumu'ah) at Zahra' mosque. ALLAHUAKBAR...
btw, go0d job =)
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